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Shiny, Clean and Strong: Glass Blogs

Shopping for glass can be difficult. Whether you are searching for a new shower screen, a window, a glass splashback or any other type of glass, you have to keep in mind several ideas. Want to learn more about the insulating properties of glass? Curious about repairs and how to do them on your own? Looking for cleaning tips? Need inspiration for a project? In this blog, I plan to write about all of those elements and more. If you want to learn about glass, you have come to the right place. Feel free to explore my posts, and if you enjoy them, share them with your friends. Thanks.

Benefits of Hiring a Professional Window Installer

29 December 2016
 Categories: , Blog

In a world where DIY projects are becoming more popular, carrying home renovations on your own may seem a breeze. It feels satisfying knocking out major home renovations in one week or on a weekend. However, there are times when hiring an expert can save you time, money, and give you peace of mind. Replacing windows requires precise measurements and expert skills; that's why you need an expert in window replacements. Read More …

4 Essential Tricks to Restoring Leaded-Glass Windows and Thermal Panes

16 November 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A glass repair and restoration project in your home can save you the huge expense of replacing the entire window. As a result, monies saved can be diverted to other home improvement or restoration projects. Depending on the kind of repair, you will have to decide whether you will conduct the restoration project yourself or you will seek the assistance of an expert, albeit at a sizeable fee. Here are some few key tips when restoring your window glass. Read More …

Why Every Homeowner Should Consider Glass Splashbacks

18 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

When it comes to transforming an insipid kitchen to one that is stylishly appealing, some homeowners may assume that extensive renovations are their only option. The truth is you do not have to spend exorbitant amounts of money to update the appearance of your drab kitchen. If you are on a restrictive budget, you may want to consider the installation of glass splashbacks. Not only will installing new splashbacks take less time than a kitchen remodel, but it will also significantly change the appearance of your previously dull space. Read More …

Avoid a Shattered Shower Door With These 4 Steps

14 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Over the years, the news has been filled with headlines regarding the seemingly spontaneous shattering of glass shower doors. Families across the world have complained that the glass shatters out of nowhere, leaving them or their children covered in cuts and scratches. This is usually because the glass used is subject to a lot of internal pressure. Fortunately, there's no need to panic if you have a glass shower door. There are multiple steps you can take to drastically reduce or even eliminate the chances of your shower door shattering. Read More …

Perplexing Perspex: Should You Have a Broken Glass Shower Screen Replaced With Acrylic Glass?

14 October 2016
 Categories: , Blog

A glass shower screen can be a luxurious, yet practical addition to any bathroom shower setup, providing protection against splashing far superior to a conventional shower curtain. However, while the glass used for shower screens is very durable and specially toughened to prevent shattering, it can still become cracked, chipped or broken entirely as a result of physical damage or other mishaps. As such, you might wish to have broken glass panes in your shower screen or door replaced with acrylic glass, a plastic-based alternative that can be far more durable. Read More …