3 Secrets To Choosing Sliding Glass Doors For Your Patio

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3 Secrets To Choosing Sliding Glass Doors For Your Patio

24 September 2019
 Categories: , Blog

When choosing sliding glass doors for your patio, you need to consider everything from security, to visual appeal, to temperature control, to energy efficiency. Simply opting for glass doors without any consideration will result in unnecessary mistakes that could have been avoided. Here are some secrets to help you choose ideal sliding glass doors for your patio.

Plan Aesthetics For Enhanced Visual Appeal

Sliding glass doors are ideal in areas where you want to save space because they don't swing outwards or inwards. In other to enhance appeal, you'll want something that seamlessly blends your outdoor and indoor spaces without creating any visual blocks. For example, pocket doors where the glass panels slide into the wall and open up the entire space can give your room an elegant appearance without any glass frames needed. You can even choose thinner glass frames with more glass and less steel for a more modern finish. Consider your home's look and feel, and choose something that will add to its visual appeal without feeling too bulky or out of place.

Choose Energy Efficient Double Glazed Glass For Added Insulation And Noise Reduction

Energy efficiency is important when it comes to sliding glass doors because you can keep the cold and heat out in winters and summers, respectively. Double-glazed glass seals the air gap between two glass panels, which provides another layer of insulation while blocking out noise. This added insulation keeps your home comfortable during both summers and winters – lessening your reliance on artificial forms of heating or cooling your home. Double-glazed glass windows or doors can reduce heat gain or loss by nearly 30 percent when compared with single-glazed glass. This will ultimately push down your energy consumption and costs.

Reduce House Work With Low-Maintenance Frame Options

The last thing you probably want is to add to your list of household chores, so it's important you consider choosing a frame that doesn't require much maintenance. For example, fibreglass and vinyl frames don't require any maintenance except a general wipe-down. Wood and steel frames may require a little more maintenance, as they are unable to withstand the elements as easily. Nevertheless, you may want to incorporate the visual appeal of wood and steel in your home if your other furnishings are similar.

Choosing the right sliding door for your patio requires some careful thinking because you don't want to have to keep re-doing them over and over again. Talk to a company like Superior Glass to learn more.